6 under $500 designer handbags you'll want to get your hands on
I believe there’s been a misconception. People think the more expensive a handbag, the “better” it must be. Although to some extent that may be true, sometimes it’s simply the brand name itself that ramps up the final price. And I’m sure this isn’t “news” either, that many of you have already been made aware of this. Having said that, however, I know we often forget that we can’t just evaluate and decide a product’s worth based on its price tag.
In this blog post, I’m sharing 6 well-made, quality handbags that are affordable and worth the small investment. And yes, I understand under $500 isn’t “cheap,” but it is a price range that is within reach. With the right planning, saving $50 every week, for instance, means you can buy a $400 handbag within 2 months!
Read on for more.
Click here for the 5 accessories that easily change up a basic outfit
What are some of your favorite handbag brands that offer under $500 bags? Share them with me by leaving a comment below!
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